Hi everyone! Jamie and I (and the dog) just finished eating Thanksgiving dinner - it was tasty! I made the best gravy I have ever made, which was lucky since the turkey was a little dry - not too bad though! We're going to rest and then have some pie and then pass out- just like Jamie and Macy in the picture.
Jamie put up some Christmas lights - although we definitely need more, it's a good start. We're excited to be able to decorate our house! We bought the house last year on Dec. 21st, and then I left to visit Florida, so we haven't had a proper Christmas in our house! We are going to set up the tree sometime this week - we need to get some more lights and ornaments, we really don't have many...though I have to make sure the ornaments are unbreakable, since I know our kitten is going to be up in the tree as soon as she can get to it. She likes to get into everything!
Hope everyone had a good turkey day! See you all soon hopefully!